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Copeman Academy Exams

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Reseller sign up here128985264?profile=original

Draft Reseller Contract


90 Day trial

We start with a 90 day trial. If after 90 days we meet the mutually agreed targets we continue and we sign an agreement similar to above. You are appointed as the reseller fro the agree

Do you find accounting data capture a drag?


The DelphiDreams Bank Online Plug in for TurboCASH will cut your transaction processing for TurboCASH 5  in half.



No more data capture.

Auto Allocate Transactions

Works with most Bank formats including

Accounting Made Easy (4:45)

What is TurboCASH (5:57)

ADD Quickstart (3:30)

Accounting Made Easy (4:45)

An Online Course to teach you 4 years of Accounting in a few hours

This Online Course is free to TurboCASH 5 users and is best used in conjuncti

Firing off email for bug reporting leads to chaos and unhappiness.

TurboCASH is a mature architecture - We  have been committted to Bug fixing for a number of years now over many releases, true bugs are rare (but are not nonexistant). Most Bugs are


Paypal                       You can also pay by Bank transfer (See details below)


Pay The TurboCASH Project

Support Sessions




An Online Course for  anyone who wants to learn Computerized Accounting or TurboCASH Accounting.

Includes PDFs,  Videos, data examples and Free Software that shows you how to make, count  and keep money.






Course C

Why a closed edition?


For 12 years TurboCASH has run as a pure open source project. We were one of the first Windows projects to adopt open source. In this time downloads have exceeded 2 Million and our registered users are over 100 000. Some of o

Why Pay for TurboCASH 5?128985126?profile=RESIZE_180x180

Good question, why pay $60 a year when you can get FREE accounting software?


Believe me we thought about this for a while. Giving up being able to offer free software was not an easy decision for us. By buying the closed

Bestel ASB Rekenungkunde Met Gemak- $25. (R 340)

 Radikale ekonomiese transformasie!
Aanbot - Afrikaners Alleen - 30% Afslaag
TurboCASH Business Class vir $ 60 $40 - R 520
Sluitin Rekeniningkunde met Gemak

Ek verkies om met my  Ba