Reseller sign up here
Draft Reseller Contract
90 Day trial
We start with a 90 day trial. If after 90 days we meet the mutually agreed targets we continue and we sign an agreement similar to above. You are appointed as the reseller fro the agreed area.We work out a development plan to entrench your IP.
You will need:
A investment of $100
TurboCASH Business Class $60
Your first Facebook Campaign $ 40
A simple web landing page. - Facebook will do.
A Pay Pal Account
It should auto finance from there. You will probably need to reinvest all profits in the first 90 days to reach the momentum required for your city.
The World Market for Commerical SME Accounting Packages is over 10 Million copies. It is dominated by SAGE and INTUIT. They sell their desktop products for between $500 and $1000. We have a much shorter distribution chain.
What a commercial users is looking for is a degree of confidence that TurboCASH meets their local compliance requirements. The TurboCASH Reseller Agreement gives the user this guarantee.
The revenue split is 50% per year to TurboCASH 50% to the Reseller.
Reseller covers support (minimal by email) and Facebook advertising.
Localization (There are a number ways to make your territory your own). Most particularly through developing you own charts of accounts and local terminology.
Reseller partnerships are ideal for accountants, computer integrators or digital marketers.
Reseller partnerships are given on a city or state basis..