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Use TurboCASH on Windows 10 with multiple windows on multiple screens.

"On windows 10 My TurboCASH 4 hangs"  I can't go on without restarting.

This video explains what to do:

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  • This may help you, or others…..


    I had already tried the “cascade windows” option that you have in your video – and it doesn’t fix the problem I had.  I can now tell you why and what to do about it!


    • If you are using an extended desktop (as I do), and CHANGE the arrangement (e.g. move display 2 from left to right of display 1), then TC will try to open new window in its prior location relative to primary screen.  “Cascade Windows” will NOT reveal the hidden window in any of the displays.  This was my problem.
    • If you are in TC when it has tried to open one of these windows and press Alt + Spacebar, then click on Move in the dialogue box, then use arrow keys (try until one works) it will bring the lost window/dialogue box into sight.  You can then use mouse to position it wherever you wish.




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