I picked interest in you after going through your short profile and demanding it be necessary to write to you immediately. I have something very vital to disclose to you, but I found it difficult to express myself here, since it's a public site.Could you please get back to me on (celinherman001@gmail.com) for details. Have a nice day. Celin herman
Dankie Herman - Niks so kwaai as n Tzaneen Avo nie. TurboCASH 5 is nou ook in Afrikaans aangebied. Tweetalige Vakture (engels vir dies engles kliente, Afrikaans fro afrikaers - alles in een stel boeke).
Thanks for joining The TurboCASH Project. I look forward to helping you to grow your business. Congratualtions so far. Its not easy to get to this point. 99% of SMEs get caught by a software salesman and end up spending $ 800 just to get here, so give yourself a pat on the back - now keep going.
Last Chance
I know free software is cool, that is we keep doing it. But considering in our Freemium model that our only revenue is TurboCASH 5 subscriptions, we would be silly not to supply TurboCASH 5 at a really great deal. (better than TurboCASH 4 for free!) For $ 6 a month you can try TurboCASH 5 instead. After month you can i) uninstall TurboCASH 5 and go on with TurboCASH 4 for free ii) sign up for a TurboCASH 5 Subscription.
After this you start investing the most important asset you have - your time - invest it in the best software you can.
Take or don't take the TurboCASH 5 Subscription feel free to Download TurboCASH 4
I have made this video Installing TurboCASH to show you how to install TurboCASH if you are having problems configuring for your, state, country or language (Remember we ship to over 80 different tax regimes) and Keep up with all of them. TurboCASH does a really simple thing, but we do it in a very wide "scope" .
Good day,
I picked interest in you after going through your short profile and demanding it be necessary to write to you immediately. I have something very vital to disclose to you, but I found it difficult to express myself here, since it's a public site.Could you please get back to me on (celinherman001@gmail.com) for details.
Have a nice day.
Celin herman
Dankie Herman - Niks so kwaai as n Tzaneen Avo nie. TurboCASH 5 is nou ook in Afrikaans aangebied. Tweetalige Vakture (engels vir dies engles kliente, Afrikaans fro afrikaers - alles in een stel boeke).
Thanks for joining The TurboCASH Project. I look forward to helping you to grow your business. Congratualtions so far. Its not easy to get to this point. 99% of SMEs get caught by a software salesman and end up spending $ 800 just to get here, so give yourself a pat on the back - now keep going.
Last Chance
I know free software is cool, that is we keep doing it. But considering in our Freemium model that our only revenue is TurboCASH 5 subscriptions, we would be silly not to supply TurboCASH 5 at a really great deal. (better than TurboCASH 4 for free!) For $ 6 a month you can try TurboCASH 5 instead. After month you can i) uninstall TurboCASH 5 and go on with TurboCASH 4 for free ii) sign up for a TurboCASH 5 Subscription.
After this you start investing the most important asset you have - your time - invest it in the best software you can.
Order for $6 - One month evaluation TurboCASH 5
Take or don't take the TurboCASH 5 Subscription feel free to Download TurboCASH 4
I have made this video Installing TurboCASH to show you how to install TurboCASH if you are having problems configuring for your, state, country or language (Remember we ship to over 80 different tax regimes) and Keep up with all of them. TurboCASH does a really simple thing, but we do it in a very wide "scope" .