What to do when you fall behind

In frustration, I had a user this morning tell me this morning “I hate accounting”.

If you hate accounting, you hate making money. You have heard me preach form this pulpit before : It is imperative to keep current with your accounting system. What of the REAL WORLD? What do you do when you ARE OUT OF DATE?

An up to date accounting system is a knowledge asset that will help you stay focused and guide you through business decisions. A lapsed accounting system starts to look more a more like a liability each day that passes. The worst is that as each transaction ages it becomes more costly to enter and maintain them – and then there are the penalties that come from errors that have missed their date.


I see this every day with TurboCASH Users. They get behind and the accounting backlog turns into a monster. Because it is harder to process old transactions than current transactions the problem gets worse with each day it is left alone.


Lets solve it :


Get todays tasks done first.


I see users caught like a deer in the lights, they can't catch up, they leave it a day and tommorrow the problemisworse. This is where mans natural fear of spiders and accounting comes from. Here is the amazing thing. FOCUS FIRST ON GETTING TODAYS TRANSACTIONS DONE. You are falling behind because you are not doing the current transactions. In programming terms we call this popping the stack. Make sure todays invoicing is done. Once they are in the system we can deal with getting the revenue in.


Focus on keeping your BANK Reconciliation up to date.


This is where the biggest damage takes place. Focusing on your cash flow will have the biggest impact on your decision making. Most systems have CSV download, it is much simpler to import transactions than to create them. Most banks have a time limit on these downloads. If you don't download now, you lose this chance altogether.



If these concepts are foreign to you – work though Accounting Made Easy


If you are serious about making your accounting work for you, use TurboCASH Business Class